Wednesday 12 December 2012

How to Run WAMP Server Parallel with IIS 7 on Windows

WAMP Server is one of the best software packages that installs and manages Apache, MySQL and PHP very easily on Windows. But when you already have IIS running then you may not be able to run WAMP Server at Localhost. You need to shutdown IIS in order to run WAMP Server properly.
In this short tutorial, I will tell you how you can run WAMP Server on Windows without shutting down IIS 7 on Windows 7. By following this tutorial you can run WAMP Server on http://localhost:8080 and IIS 7 on http://localhost
You need to install IIS and WAMP Server first to follow this tutorial. Usually after installing WAMP Server, when you open http://localhost, you can access the WAMPServer page but if IIS 7 is installed and ran with WAMP server, IIS 7 page is opened instead.
To run WAMP Server parallel with IIS 7, we need to assign port 8080 to WAMP Server so that it runs on http://localhost:8080 and IIS 7 runs on

To do this, click on WAMP Server icon on taskbar and go to Apache > httpd.conf

httpd.conf file will be opened. Change ‘Listen 80’ to ‘Listen 8080’ . Save and restart WAMP.